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Ethical Considerations in Speech-Language Pathology
Connie Porcaro, PhD, CCC-SLP
Course Abstract
Ethical Considerations in Speech-Language Pathology is a 1-hour audio continuing education (CE) course that examines ethical issues that SLPs may encounter in clinical practice.
Participants will review the types of mistakes made and the importance of honesty and rule-following in practice. The course highlights the differentiation between ‘Principles of Ethics’ and the ‘Rule of Ethics’ and discusses the four general principles of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Code of Ethics.
Participants will look at the ethical responsibilities they have to themselves, colleagues, students, and clients as they consider their role in clinical practice (including tele-practice), research, and supervision. The course further discusses the link between research and ethical clinical practice, highlighting criteria that may help the clinician distinguish between scientific and pseudoscientific treatment claims.
The course gives an overview of the factors that may drive dishonest or unethical behavior and describes how to use the Consensus Model for decision making. Finally, the participant is given the opportunity to apply their learning as they review case studies, ponder possible solutions to the ethical dilemmas presented, and review answers to common questions regarding the case.
Course #11-41 | 2021 | 53m audio + 40p handout | 10 posttest questions
Learning Objectives
- List the four principles of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Code of Ethics
- Define three challenges to ethical behavior encountered in clinical practice, research, or supervision
- List four potential reasons for making unethical choices
- Describe the Consensus Model for Decision Making, as it can be used when faced with ethical dilemmas
Course Directions
This audio course provides instant access to the mp3 audio file, the course handout, and the CE test. The CE test is open-book (you can print the test to mark your answers on it while listening to the course presentation).
Successful completion of this course involves passing an online test (80% required, 3 chances to take) and we ask that you also complete a brief course evaluation.
About the Author(s)
Connie Porcaro, PhD, CCC-SLP : Find out More
Connie Porcaro, PhD, CCC-SLP, is an Associate Professor at Florida Atlantic University. She has worked in all settings of the field, including educational, medical, and university settings and has supervised hundreds of students and clinical fellows. Her past positions included serving as a full-time university clinic supervisor and clinic director at the University of Wyoming. Dr. Porcaro has presented dozens of state and national level workshops on supervision and has published on supervision theory and practice. She teaches a course for graduate students on the topic of supervision that includes hands-on practice of self-supervision.
Financial: Connie Porcaro receives author compensation from Professional Development Resources.
Nonfinancial: No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.
CE Information
Speech Language Pathology
Introductory Level | 0.1 ASHA CEU | ASHA credit is available until 04/30/2026. ASHA CEUs are awarded by the ASHA CE Registry upon receipt of the monthly completion report from the ASHA Approved CE Provider (#AAUM5171). Please note that the date that appears on ASHA transcripts is the last day of the month in which the course was completed.
Professional Development Resources is CE Broker compliant (#50-1635 - all courses are reported within two business days of completion).
ASHA CE Provider approval and use of the Brand Block does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedures.
Customer Testimonials
Awesome CEU course.
I thoroughly enjoyed the presenter and the information which was covered in the class. The information was very relevant and thought provoking. I printed out the 40 page handout to follow the lecture and I'm so glad I did. The visual examples that were used to explain ethical situations in everyday life were very good. My favorite was "Keep Calm & Follow The Rules". It was an excellent class and I'm glad I had the opportunity to take it. Thank you!
Course was well presented and easy to follow!
Information was well presented and the handouts were easy to follow. I like the relevant application of the case studies.
It was an interesting refreshing on ethics. Thank you.
More Testimonials
This was a very clear and concise course.
Dr. Procaro has an excellent presentation style that facilitates learning and maintaining interest.
It was a great review of ethics in different areas of our field.
Keep up the great CEU's! I appreciate the knowledge, ease of use, and price point.
Great examples to illustrate concepts!
Excellent presenter and course!
Ethics courses are hard to find. Thanks for a good one!
Clear and concise course.
I found the course to be comprehensive and complete.
I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of information that I learned in taking this course.
I learned new information about supervior ethics.
Concise and well presented. I would recommend.
Very interesting, enjoyable, and easy to navigate through it.
Great presentation with key information! I appreciated the addition of telehealth and case study examples. Thank you!
Great, pack-filled, worthwhile, one hour course on Ethics in Speech-Language Pathology! Thanks!
More courses like this, with quality content and competent presenters.
Excelent resource and up to date with the constant changes in the field.
This course is a much needed review to stay current and mindful in our field.
This was great information and a great reminder for our field!
It was easy to follow along with the SlideShow that was available. Thank you for this information!
Thank you for a great course!
Course was thoughtful and easy to follow, particularly with ability to pause audio and reference documents.
Presented in a very practical and interesting way.
Awesome! Easy to listen to the course!
Very helpful information and well organized.
I will comment that I appreciate her case scenarios regarding telepractice, supervision, and research. These were all unique scenarios that are current with today's world. I appreciated her giving us time to brainstorm in these scenarios, rather than just diving right into problems and questions.
Great Presenter ~ Easy to listen to. It was a good training.
Great course and loved all the slides to follow along with!
Helpful overview with good real-life examples for a variety of settings.
Your website and continuing education selections were extremely easy to navigate. After searching multiple websites and becoming frustrated with attempting to find an ethics module to meet ASHA requirements, I stumbled across yours. Many thanks for having a non-cluttered, easy to navigate website!
Presenter was very clear and knowledgeable.
Thanks for an interesting audio course!
I thought this course was great! very thorough. I appreciated the case studies and examples.
Nice presentation about ethics. Very useful information
I appreciated the emphasis on the ASHA code of ethics. The library analogy at the beginning of the course was a little long.
Great course! I appreciated the access to slides and working on the CE exam while listening and navigating the slides. Reasonable pricing as well, which is always appreciated!
Best ethics course I have taken.
The presenter was excellent. She was engaging and her explanations were clear and concise. She provided opportunities to pause and generate our own answers and suggestions. Overall, I was pleased with the content and presentation.
Very easily understood with a clear path as to how to approach possible ethical situations across various settings.
Nicely presented. Clear and concise.
The accompanying materials were a helpful resource. Thank you!
Informative, easy to navigate course.
Great presenter and presentation.
Great course with current and updated ethical information related to SLP practices. Thank you!
This was a very well presented and informative course.
Content was a presentation of the four general principles of ASHA code of ethics with corresponding clinical situations which were helpful.
Great exercises to pause and write our own ideas. I would suggest adding that time in for real-time pauses so we get credit for that time.
Presenter had a very user-friendly voice. Accountability is good.
Loved the examples at the end, Thank you!
I don't have any suggestions at this time. I will comment that I appreciate her case scenarios regarding telepractice, supervision, and research. These were all unique scenarios that are current with today's world. I appreciated her giving us time to brainstorm in these scenarios, rather than just diving right into problems and questions.
This course was very informative. I will recommend it to my colleagues.
It was easy to understand and well explained.
The case studies were particularly helpful in thinking about how the presented information might be applied to our work.
I enjoyed the class and learned several new things about ethics.
Great course. The information was presented in a clear and concise manner and the utilization of the slides helped tie it all together.
Thank you so much for this much needed refresher!
The presenter made this topic interesting and easy to follow.
Thank you for offering this required course at a reasonable cost. The presenter was very easy to understand and follow. Handouts were helpful.
Presenter was very clear. Presentation was well organized. Helpful power point.
Excellent presentation, easy to follow and well-organized. Exactly the overview I needed.
This was relevant to my practice and a great reminder of things I had learned long ago!
Thank you for this presentation. It was good to brush up on this topic. I learned some information about ethics and teletherapy that I was not aware of.
Interesting ethics education which will be useful to my profession.
The presenter was clear, knowledgeable, and able to teach target concepts with ease. Thank you.
The presenter showed great ethical scenarios.
The websites she gave will be very useful.
Good experience as I was able to print out the program and test ahead of time and then easily follow along with the clear and concise audio recording through my iPhone speaker. Very important topic and lots of current and relevant information presented. Thank you!
Great course - easy to follow along with.
The presenter was excellent and spoke in a clear and interested manner, which kept me interested in the subject.
It was well organized and tailored to meet my needs.
Well presented. I loved the case scenarios.
I was very satisfied with the information in this course and the audio format. The author/speaker held my attention for the entirety of the course.
Great content, easy to follow, nice reminder. Handouts were well organized and helpful. Thank you.
It was very informative and provided great examples. Thank you!
Thank you for the case examples and including clear explanations!