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Clinical Supervision for SLPs and Audiologists
Edie Deane, MS-CCC, CCM; Laura More, MSW, LCSW; Lisa Fuellemann, MS, CCC-SLP
Course Abstract
Clinical Supervision for SLPs and Audiologists is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE) course that presents research on best practices in supervision as required by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) in 2020.
We will take a brief look at different models of supervision including the Supervision, Questioning and Feedback (SQF) Model of Clinical Teaching, the Cognitive Apprenticeship Instructional Model, Geller’s Integrative Model, and Anderson’s Continuum of Supervision as we discuss the clinical educator’s / instructor’s role in the supervisory process and the skills required to supervise effectively.
Topics presented include the mandatory content required by ASHA Certification and will address deliberate practice, giving feedback, self-assessment, ethics, social media, the use of technology in supervision and telepractice, diversity awareness, and the accommodation of persons with disabilities.
The ASHA supervisory topic list is much too extensive to cover every aspect in detail. This course is an overview, which can lead the audiologist or speech-language pathologist to identify areas for deeper study.
Course #21-37 | 2020 | 42 pages | 15 posttest questions
Learning Objectives
- Identify the supervisor’s responsibilities when working with supervisees
- Describe one of the models of supervision discussed in this course
- Describe an effective feedback strategy
- List the aspects involved in the process of becoming culturally competent
- Name four critical factors that must be related to supervisees regarding the use of technology and social media
- Identify strategies to minimize the impacts of supervisee errors
Course Directions
This online course provides instant access to the course materials (PDF download) and CE test. The course is text-based (reading) and the CE test is open-book (you can print the test to mark your answers on it while reading the course document).
Successful completion of this course involves passing an online test (80% required, 3 chances to take) and we ask that you also complete a brief course evaluation.
About the Author(s)
Edie Deane, MS-CCC, CCM : Find out More
Edie Deane, MS-CCC, is a creative leader who infuses all her work with an entrepreneurial spirit. Edie’s career spans healthcare areas from hands-on service to e-business. Her portfolio of experience includes: leadership, strategic and business development as online education company Care2Learn’s founder/owner; operations, administration, and education/training in national rehabilitation companies; and development of an e-learning department in a prominent healthcare software company. Edie currently owns ED Consulting & Coaching, focused on services for the LTPAC ecosystem.
Financial: No relevant financial relationships exist.
Nonfinancial: No relevant nonfinancial relationships exist.
Laura More, MSW, LCSW : Find out More
Laura More, MSW, LCSW, is a healthcare author and licensed clinical social worker. Laura was one of the founding partners of Care2Learn, a provider of online continuing education courses for the post-acute healthcare industry. She now provides healthcare authoring services. She has authored over 120 online continuing education titles, co-authored evidence-based care assessment area resources and a book, The Licensed Practical Nurse in Long-term Care Field Guide. She is the recipient of the 2010 Education Award from the American College of Health Care Administrators.
Financial: Laura More receives author compensation from Professional Development Resources.
Nonfinancial: No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.
Lisa Fuellemann, MS, CCC-SLP : Find out More
Lisa D. Fuellemann, MS, CCC-SLP, is a Speech-Language Pathologist with experience in the acute and long-term care settings. Her specialties include dysphagia and cognitive language disorders.
Financial: No relevant financial relationship exists.
Nonfinancial: No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.
CE Information
Speech Language Pathology
Intermediate Level | 0.2 ASHA CEUs | ASHA credit is available until 03/31/2025. ASHA CEUs are awarded by the ASHA CE Registry upon receipt of the monthly completion report from the ASHA Approved CE Provider (#AAUM5159). Please note that the date that appears on ASHA transcripts is the last day of the month in which the course was completed.
Professional Development Resources is CE Broker compliant (#50-1635 - all courses are reported within two business days of completion).
ASHA CE Provider approval and use of the Brand Block does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedures.
Customer Testimonials
Very informative, with good details and practical applications.
I enjoyed all the resources embedded within the course.
Well-organized content.
This was a great course. Not only did it help me meet ASHA requirements, but I learned things that I have never even considered in my 30+ years in this field. Not only as a supervisor, but as a clinician, I will be especially careful moving forward to make sure that I am conducting clinical services in the same way as I expect my students to conduct their services.
I am retired at this time, but needed this course if I ever need to supervise someone. This was a really good course and full of information.
More Testimonials
Well written course. Provided information about the many aspects of supervision that are critical for a successful clinical experience.
Thanks for this great opportunity to learn more about supervision. The course was great and convenient. Best ever.
I thoroughly enjoyed taking this seminar. It was well thought out and explained. When reading this material, I could not help but think that some of this material should be included in an introductory course for first-year students. Not all students have the emotional maturity level to take and constructively use criticism. Also, the information on social media was outstanding. Bravo! You have enlightened a senior clinician with new information.
A great learning experience and it was a great match to my learning style.
The content and information for this course were thorough, relevant, and resourceful. I appreciate the suggested websites and literature to refer to for more in-depth knowledge of situations that potentially arise while supervising undergraduate and graduate students and clinical interns. I am very interested in focusing and specializing more in this area of speech-language pathology. The continued education coursework provided through PDR assisted in the pursuance of my interest.
The topics/sections were clear/specifically labelled; while there was some overlap in the content of a few of them, there was specific focus/match on the stated topic. The suggestion to use the test as "study guide" facilitated learning. I appreciated the prompt 'customer support' in signing up/navigating the website.
Very well presented course. I would highly recommend this course to SLP's wanting to supervise!
Thank you for this course. I will be more self-aware as a supervisor.
Very good information.
Great course. Very informative.
I did not realize how much supervision has changed.
Very good information, easy to read and follow. Great information to help in supervising.
Thank you for providing a low cost way to meet the requirement for Supervison that could be completed at our own rate.
This course was great and informative!
I enjoyed this course and appreciated an affordable option to obtain my required supervisory CEUs.
I thought this course was helpful, informative, and applicable.
Excellent information on models of supervision and related strategies
Very comprehensive and thorough overview of the supervision process.
I will recommend this course to my colleagues. Thank you for making it affordable and with very relevant and helpful content. I found it to be a comprehensive overview of important aspects of supervision without being overly simplistic but with adequate information to be educational.
Informative and well described.
Thank you for presenting such relevant and useful information.
This course will definitely make me a better supervisor in the future.
Great class before I begin supervising my first student.
Good lay out of material. Easy to follow.
Great presentation of material, and I appreciate being able to print the presented material.
I appreciated the evidence-based nature of the literature review, and how easy it was to digest and apply to my practice. Thank you for assimilating this information for easy access and retention!
This was a great source of information, provided efficiently, and I feel strong in my approach to mentor/supervise in the future. Thank you
Great introduction to supervision. I have lots of notes of things to learn more about. Thanks!
It targeted all the important aspects involved in supervising my intern and how I can improve in this area. Really good!!
This course is extremely informative. I like that the information was text-based so I can use it as a reference to look back at throughout my supervisor experiences.
Thank you for making this course affordable and easy to use!
This is an excellent course that I RECOMMEND!
Well written and informative. Liked the hpyerlinks.
The information was well presented and I learned a lot.
The course was great! I learned a lot in preparation for my first student in the fall.
I enjoyed taking this course and found the information very beneficial as it pertains to my future responsibilities.
This course was perfect! Comprehensive, read at your own pace. and extremely informative. I would definitely recommend to any SLPs looking to fulfill ASHA's supervision requirement.
Great information that I will regularly review for my own growth. Great resources!
This course met my needs and exceeded my expectations. I really learned a lot!
Great article that contained a lot of information on how to improve your supervision skills. The information was well thought out and practical.
There was a great deal of valuable information in this session. There were things that I hadn't thought about discussing with a supervisee (including billing) and things that I had already thought about. I found it was relevant and up to date with the changing needs of different service delivery models and new technological concerns in our field.
Great course! I appreciated how it was well organized.
This was a very well-organized and well-done course that was very effective.
Fairly priced, easy to complete. Thanks!
I liked the outline of the material and have kept a printed copy for reference.
I appreciate the resources given throughout this training.
The course content was perfect for a first-time supervisor. I felt that it was very informative and gave good, practical tips for being a competent supervisor.
This course was exactly what I needed in order to become a supervisor. It was direct and easy to navigate. I loved this course!
I have taken other supervision courses with video examples of supervisory communication, which had been very helpful to me. That being said, for a completely print course, this was very well put together, engaging and informative! I will keep the PDF to refer back to as an excellent resource!
I thought this was very informative as a CF Supervisor. I will be referring to the course PDF throughout the year. Thank you.
This was a great course for a first-time CF supervisor. I really found the presentation of the different models of supervision as well as reminders to be culturally and gender sensitive. I also appreciated the list of questions that the supervisor could ask the supervisee in order to help them reflect and strengthen their skills as a therapist.
Very straightforward. Appreciated the information. Thanks!
Very informative and well-researched. Great information.
At first I didn't think I would like the completely written format. However, I was able to download the presentation and highlight information as I read. I actually preferred it to other CEU courses that are more lecture based.
The price for this training was appropriate. I learned so very much from this and I like that I have a print out to review later (for myself) and there were several useful tips that I plan to use with the supervisee I am assigned.
Great ideas for supervision.
Loved how informative this course was!
This was a great course. I felt it was relevant to today, updated, and appropriate for my upcoming supervising role.
Excellent format and good content!
It was a very well designed course. Thank you!
I liked being able to print out the materials for note taking along the way.
Great course, I feel that I can supervise with competence.
On my side, this course opened my way of thinking regarding supervision. It is a learning process from both sides. One important step I really took into consideration, was putting our mental health (accepting feedback, errors, etc.) into practice to help others succeed.
Great course. Loved the ease of completing it at my own pace.
This is an area I have not been involved in for over 20 years. It was very interesting to learn many new concepts. The material was so current, and I appreciate the research that this course required!
I appreciate being able to download and print the course material as I prefer paper/pencil methods when learning new concepts. I thought the information provided in the course was thorough and offered recent research findings.
This was a nice overview of things to consider prior to becoming a supervisor.
Very easy format to follow; content very informative and practical in nature. Thank you!
Very good and informative session.
Having a little experience with this in the past, this course provided more than enough information and was good at preparing a therapist for working in a supervisory capacity. Provided a good base of information for guiding supervisors in working with supervisees.
Excellent course. This is my first time utlizing your website to complete my CEU's. I will continue to use your platform. I like the way that I was able to pause the test and refer back to the printed information.
The course was complete and very informative. The information was relevant to the different situations that may arise during supervision. Thanks!
This was a very good course with a lot of information.
Great introduction to supervision.
I appreciated that the information presented was clear and concise. Being able to download the materials to reference in the future is incredibly helpful. Thank you.
Well organized and well done with all the evidence based practice!
Direct and informative course. Great!
Great course to get myself comfortable as I begin the supervisor role.
Very informative class, presented in a clear and concise manner
I really enjoyed this format for obtaining CEUs. I will definitely be a repeat customer!
I liked the way the reading material was set up. It was easy to follow and a great reference to go back to during my work as a clinical supervisor.
Well presented information that covered a lot of topics in a concise manner.
I obtained a different perspective on supervision. This course opened my mind to strategies on becoming more of a effective supervisor.
I really love the option to download the content and refer back to it! I didn't necessarily expect the wealth of information contained in the course, and I will certainly reference back to it frequently as I prepare to take on my first supervisory role with a CF. Thank you for a wonderful course!
I am currently supervising and found the information to be very relevant. I learned some new ways to apporach issues and confirmed that I w am ontrack on mnay others.
This CE was appropriate and insightful for my profession. The use of graphs and visuals were extremely helpful and including them more would be beneficial for some.
Great course! Handouts are very helpful and good to have on hand.
I really enjoyed how this course was self-paced. It provided very straightforward information that was easily to follow and retain.
This course allowed me to learn at my own pace and was set up in an easy-to-follow format.
I thought this was an informative course. I learned a lot about supervisory skills.
Being able to print out the test prior to the reading was very helpful.
Great course! Important information that is very beneficial to best practices for supervision.
Nice course! Easy to navigate and access.
I appreciated being able to look at the test questions beforehand. It gave me a guide while reading so that I knew what to pay attention to, as there was a lot of information. Thank you!
You did a great job with a lot of references to literature and examples that are very practical.
Thank you for having a succinct, clear course on supervision. It is not always easy to find courses that appeal to more experienced clinicians.
This course was great! I really appreciate that the information can be downloaded and saved so that I can refer back to it in the future. Thank you!
Overall, I enjoyed this course with good applications going forward.
This course was easy to use and was informative. Thank you!
The presented information was helpful and validating! Very thorough and organized.
The process of getting the information and presentation were very fluid. Thank you.
Good to have some specific subjects up to date.
This is a great course that will help me mentor my CF. I'm glad it was text based so I can have a PDF copy to refer back to if needed.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for this course. I found it very helpful, with up-to-date literature and spot-on referances. I will be more than happy to attend more detailed courses in the future! Keep up the good work!
Very organized and well thought out. An abundance of information presented in an easily understandable manner.
This course was well organized and informative!
This was a great way to do the supervisor training and I like that I am able to have access to the PDF information to look back on as I supervise.
Great course! I am excited to use these tools as a Supervisor.
I thoroughly enjoyed this course and am very happy this was the one I selected!
Thank you for creating this self-paced course to meet the new ASHA requirements! Cost effective as well!
Great course... I feel more comfortable and focused to begin my first stint as a CF supervisor. Many interesting and impactful topics were discussed. I will definitely keep the slides for future reference.
I liked learning about the culture bias and strategies to use, as well as a quiz to give supervisees.
This course was great to aid in preparation for supervision. It also helped a lot to think back to supervisors I had previously, and think through times and examples of when they did or didn't follow these concepts. Examples help to make the consequences (positive or negative) clear to someone who will soon become a supervisor.
The course was clearly laid out and provided detailed insight into the supervision process.
This was a great course! I learned a lot about how to be an effective supervisor.
Course is a great resource for any supervisor or those hoping to supervise in the future.
Excellent course. Information was well-presented. I enjoyed the quotes interspersed within the material. Great, practical advice to prepare for a supervisory experience.
I appreciate the detail and research that clearly went into this training document. It provided me with lots of food for thought in addition to fulfilling my CEU need.
Great information that was easy to access!
Direct and informative course. Great!
Great course to get myself comfortable as I begin the supervisor role.
Very informative class, presented in a clear and concise manner.
Well presented information that covered a lot of topics in a concise manner.
I really enjoyed this format for obtaining CEUs. I will definitely be a repeat customer!
I liked the way the reading material was set up. It was easy to follow and a great reference to go back to during my work as a clinical supervisor.
Very useful information that I will put into use with my graduate intern.
Thank you - This was one of the more helpful, practical Supervision CEU's I've completed in recent years.
Great description of supervision and supervisor / supervisees' roles
This course was straightforward and hit many salient points. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to try putting these strategies into practice.
I loved that I was able to highlight on a printed test while reading the downloaded course materials. It aided in note taking, helped me to be more diligent with reading, and aided in the overall time spent with this course.
This was a useful course. I appreciate all of the references and I plan to continue to research best practices for supervision.
Excellent and comprehensive course. I have taken many courses on supervision, but I still learned a lot from this course.
It was great. I really enjoyed the outline of the information and it was an easy read. Very resourceful.
A great foundational course to begin my preparation leading into a supervisory role. Thank you.
I thought the information in this course was very well laid out and explained in a very functional, understandable way.
I prefer video courses and did not realize it was an article I had to read. However, there was great information within this article that I will use during the supervision of my student!
This course was very thorough and knowledgeable. I appreciated all of the references and resources provided.
Thank you!! This course was a great starting point for my new supervisor journey and I will be eager now to continue to learn and grow.
This was a great course to take prior to having a graduate student complete her externship with me in the school setting.
Thank you for this delightful course. I learned a lot that will help me be a more intentional and supportive supervisor.
Great way to make this process more effective!!
The design of this course was very good. It was set up in a logical pattern and was easy to follow.
This was a great course on Clinical Supervision especially for SLPs wanting to be a supervisor.
The material and resources provided are very helpful.
The format was user friendly and easy to follow and navigate.
Great course! I like that I can go back when I need to refresh.
This was a great course and great to refer back to as a supervisor!