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Showing 1–16 of 50 resultsSorted by latest
Human Trafficking: Identification and Intervention
The Power of Skepticism and Critical Thinking
Mindful Minutes: Cultivating Awareness in Children
Reporting Suspected Child Maltreatment: Legal and Ethical Issues
Suicide Prevention: Evidence-Based Strategies
The Impact of a Life of ADHD: Understanding for Clinicians and Clients
Mass Shootings: Applied Counseling Skills
About Teaching
Professional Development Resources, Inc. is a Florida nonprofit educational corporation 501(c)(3) organized in 1992. We are located in Jacksonville, Florida. Federal Tax ID 59-3138625.
Professional Development Resources offers online continuing education courses so teachers can fulfill their state requirements for professional development, obtain credits for salary advancement, or simply satisfy a desire to grow professionally and obtain new knowledge and ideas for their students.
Certificate of Completion: You will be able to access and print a completion certificate from your account once you complete your course(s). Your completion certificate will reflect the name of the course you completed and the number of hours it represents.
Are your courses accepted at my school? Because each district has its own policies regarding course eligibility, always double-check with your district or department of education regarding eligibility for credit before enrolling in a course. Continuing education is the final decision of your school district, continuing education committee, or other relevant authority. PDR does not guarantee acceptance by your school, district, or licensing authority.