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Leveraging Adversity: Turning Setbacks into Springboards
Claire Dorotik-Nana, LMFT$69.00 Original price was: $69.00.$34.50Current price is: $34.50.
Course Abstract
Leveraging Adversity: Turning Setbacks into Springboards is a 6-hour online continuing education (CE) course that gives clinicians the tools to help clients face adversity from a growth perspective and learn how to use setbacks to spring forward and ignite growth.
While clients can seek the help of a psychotherapist for numerous reasons, one thing that all clients face is adversity. Whether in their own lives, or within the training program itself, adversity and setbacks are inevitable. And how clients handle adversity often colors not just their ability to move past it, but also their success in therapy.
Packed with the most recent data on post-traumatic growth, behavioral economics, and evolutionary psychology, this course begins with a look at just what setbacks are and how they affect us. Clinicians are then introduced to the concept of “leveraging adversity,” that is, using it to make critical reconsiderations, align values with behavior, and face challenges with a growth mindset. The course then addresses the five core strengths of leveraging adversity – gratitude, openness, personal strength (growth mindset), connection, and belief – and provides numerous exercises and skills for clinicians to use with clients. Included are 25 separate handouts clinicians can give to clients to cement core concepts from the course.
Closeout Course #61-03 | 2018 | 92 pages | 35 posttest questions
Learning Objectives
- Define what it means to leverage adversity
- Summarize the effects and emotional relevance of setbacks
- Define and explain the process of reconsideration
- Discuss ways to build and use gratitude within the training program to support a positive mind state
- Define openness and ways the clinician can help the client become resourceful in the face of adversity
- Identify client strengths and summarize how to help the client develop a growth mindset
- Discuss how to build and use connection to strengthen the clinician-client relationship
- Explain how to clarify client values and align with goals
Course Directions
This online course provides instant access to the course materials (PDF download) and CE test. The course is text-based (reading) and the CE test is open-book (you can print the test to mark your answers on it while reading the course document).
Successful completion of this course involves passing an online test (80% required, 3 chances to take) and we ask that you also complete a brief course evaluation.
About the Author(s)
Claire Dorotik-Nana, LMFT : Find out More
Claire Dorotik-Nana, LMFT, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who specializes in post-traumatic growth, optimal performance, and wellness. She is licensed to practice in California and Colorado. Claire earned her BS in Kinesiology and worked as a personal trainer for years before becoming a course developer for International Sports Science Association. Claire is always thinking about ways to improve physical fitness and nutrition as a modality for improving mental health. She also writes in her popular blog, Leveraging Adversity on Psychcentral.
Financial: Claire Nana receives author compensation from Professional Development Resources.
Nonfinancial: No relevant nonfinancial relationships exist.
CE Information
Professional Development Resources (PDR) has been approved by the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 5590. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. PDR is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Professional Development Resources is CE Broker compliant (#50-1635 - all courses are reported within two business days of completion). Professional Development Resources, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors (#MHC-0135 - Note: New York counselors will receive 6 continuing education credits for completing this self-study course).
Marriage and Family Therapy
Professional Development Resources is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Professional Development Resources maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Professional Development Resources is also approved by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC ACEP #5590); the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB #1046, ACE Program); the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed marriage and family therapists (#MFT-0100 - Note: New York MFTs will receive 6 continuing education credit(s) for completing this self-study course); the Texas Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists (#114); and is CE Broker compliant (#50-1635 - all courses are reported within two business days of completion).
Occupational Therapy
Professional Development Resources is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Course provider ID# 3159. This distance learning-independent course is offered at 0.6 CEUs, intermediate level, OT Service Delivery]. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.
Professional Development Resources is CE Broker compliant (#50-1635 - all courses are reported within two business days of completion).
Professional Development Resources is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Professional Development Resources maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Professional Development Resources is CE Broker compliant (#50-1635 - all courses are reported within two business days of completion). Professional Development Resources, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists (#PSY-0145).
School Psychology
Professional Development Resources is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Professional Development Resources maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Professional Development Resources is CE Broker compliant (#50-1635 - all courses are reported within two business days of completion). Professional Development Resources, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists (#PSY-0145).
Social Work
Professional Development Resources, #1046, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: 6/12/2022 - 6/12/2025. Social workers completing this course receive 6 clinical continuing education credits.
Professional Development Resources is CE Broker compliant (#50-1635 - all courses are reported within two business days of completion). Professional Development Resources, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers (#SW-0664 - Note: New York social workers will receive 6 continuing education credit(s) for completing this self-study course). Professional Development Resources is also approved by the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners (#5678).
Professional Development Resources is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Professional Development Resources maintains responsibility for all programs and content. Professional Development Resources is also approved by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC ACEP #5590); the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB Provider #1046, ACE Program); the Continuing Education Board of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA Provider #AAUM); the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA Provider #3159); the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR Prior Approval Program); the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists (#PSY-0145), State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors (#MHC-0135) and marriage and family therapists (#MFT-0100), and the State Board for Social Workers as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers (#SW-0664); the Texas Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists (#114) and State Board of Social Worker Examiners (#5678); and is CE Broker compliant (#50-1635 - all courses are reported within two business days of completion).
Customer Testimonials
This was an excellent course and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I enjoyed the practical therapy tips and client list suggestions.
Excellent course and well-written. Thanks!!
This course presented very relevant information on leveraging adversity that I can use with the special education students with whom I work. The exercises detailed by the author, especially those involving gratitude, will also be useful to me personally.
Very interesting course. Well written and presented. Confirms my own values, therapeutic style and gives me some good ideas (client exercises). Thanks!
More Testimonials
Very helpful and highly enjoyable course! I would recommend to all psychologists and therapists but especially to those working with victims of trauma/PTSD.
I enjoyed this one. Seemed like motivational interviewing should have been featured because many of the principals are shared.
Again, like the focus on positive psychology CE's.
Best course ever. The test was clear and served as a great review. Thanks! Bravo!
Very interesting course that included material with which I was previously unfamiliar. Thank you.
Very concise and full of useful information. I learned a great deal, thank you.
One of your best courses! Sometimes the choices for a few questions appear to be more to trick rather than to really measure understanding.
Excellent! Really enjoyed this course. Organized, timely, informative, and current research. I also learned some new information. Thank you.
This course is right up my alley. I loved this and will be printing all of the course material to utilize! Thank you! One of my favorites so far.
Very well constructed and paced course! Thanks to the author and PDR for making this course available!
Excellent content!
This was a very useful course on a great topic!
This is one of the best courses I've taken in a long time. Thank you.
This is a wonderful course and I enjoyed taking it. I highly recommend it.
Excellent course. Thank you.
This was an excellent course!
It was novel to find a therapist intertwine philosophy and psychology. Nice change.
So interesting and thorough. I absolutely loved it!!!
Taking this course has been quite satisfactory and useful at the practice and at the personal level. It is quite well presented and thorough. Reviewing the responses that were wrong is quite an additional learning, thought-provoking exercise. Thanks
My pastor frequently says that the flip side of tragedy is opportunity. This course expands on that idea. The course offered me a fresh way to look at some things and reinforced some things I already do, but helped me understand better just what it is that I am doing and how it fits into a bigger picture. Very valuable material.
Great course. Repetition of material great for really learning the material and new concepts.
Glad to see spirituality and beliefs integrated into the presentation...interesting material.
I liked the exercises in this course alot.
Really, really good information. I'd love to attend a seminar on this. Thanks for presenting it here. I got a lot out of this CEU.
Course was well written, as was the test. Studies cited were useful, and the suggested exercises for use with clients present an opportunity to keep things fresh. I definitely recommend this one.
This course was full of very valuable information and practical exercises to help clients successfully leverage adversity. It was well organized and easy to complete.
This was one of the best, most useful and well designed courses I've received and completed through PD Resources. It will immeasurable assist me to provide valuable and specific guidance to my invested clients.
Great course backed up by research.
Enjoyed this information very much. The course was very thorough and provided hands on material for use!
Very enlightening and engaging course that had useful information for my practice
Excellent course and the presentation was user friendly- easy to pick up and use with clients.
A wonderful exposure to the concept of leveraging adversity and one I'm sure I will use in my practice.
This course really fueled my interest in learning more about the Growth Mindset. Really want my kids to learn about it too.
Love the exercises for clients - nice bonus!
I found the information to be interesting and the website easy to navigate.
I rnjoyed the course greatly. It provided a lot of information that will be very useful. Thank-you.
This is one of the best continuing education courses I've taken in my 30-plus years as a psychologist. I can apply it in my practice and also in my personal life. Some of the material was a bit repeated, but perhaps that was to reinforce concepts. I will also apply some of the content (Easterbrook) to an economics course I teach and research on happiness I am doing. I liked the summary of cognitive bias especially - nice job. Thanks.
This course has great reference and resources for use with clients. I appreciate all this information very much and will definitely use it in my practice.
I have taken many courses with PDR, and this is one of the best I have taken!
This course was in-depth, complex and very interesting. It is one that I will print and use as a resource in my practice. Excellent information.
Thank you for this course. It was well done and I was exposed to new and productive ways of approaching trauma.
It offered practical exercises that could be used in practice.
Very informative & useful course. Balance of information with tools.
Informative course, and the neurological material on meditation and faith was especially compelling!
This is a course that I will read again and again. Wonderful!
This was one of the best courses I have taken.
Timely and excellent.
I LOVED this course!! Very interesting. I learned so much!
Well researched and organized material. Content included relevant examples to further facilitate understanding in addition to providing the reader with techniques to work with clients.
Excellent course. Given that I thought I knew a great deal about "Leveraging Adversity"I soon found that I did not. I learned a great deal. For the most part the written material is excellent. I"m going to keep the material as a reference point and to continue to learn, understand and appropriately use "leveraging adversity". Thank you for a well done and relevant course.
This book was one of the best and most helpful for me, and thus will be for my patients. Thank you!
Interesting subject and well-handled by the author, who covered it succinctly and thoroughly. She seems like a genuine expert in the area. I had a quibble with the phrasing of some of two of the questions, but no big deal. Thanks for providing well-crafted content on positive psychology. Most providers don't offer much in this area, beyond "intro to positive psychology" type stuff. I've found your CEU products very well done, interesting, and informative.
As a seasoned clinician, I found this material very interesting, validating, and helpful to develop new conversations with existing clients. Much to ponder in a very reader-friendly presentation.
I entered the course already knowing a lot about this area, but the content and questions moved me beyond where I began, and the material was interesting.
Very good course. I completed three in the past few days. This was by far the best. Made me want to learn even more from the references provided.
I have not previously been trained in dialectical therapy/thinking so this course was particularly interesting and helpful for assisting clients to move forward in therapy.
I liked the use of client exercises to help clients understand and implement the concepts.
I have had 2 excellent experiences with PDResources counseling CEUs. Really learned a lot from both the Suicide Survivor course and the Leveraging Adversity course. Both courses were on par with university graduate studies classes in terms of content and difficulty. Tests were especially well-designed and not something that answers could just be guessed at, bypassing the instructional module. Thanks for an informative, interesting curriculum that will enrich my counseling skills with clients.
I really enjoyed this course. At first I thought "Oh no, just another..." However, as I continued to read, it was very well presented and helpful. Thanks.
Great course! Excited to use the exercises in my practice.
This is one of the very best, most useful courses, I have taken in a long while. Fantastic.
This is an excellent training. I learned and gained new insights. The material was well thought out and presented, and kept my attention while I read the course. I will use techniques offered. Thank you for developing this training and for offering it as a CEU!
Amazing course with tons of useful information!
Claire Dorotik-Nana is a fabulous writer and educator. I have thoroughly enjoyed any courses I have completed by her. I would love to take a course from her regarding academic/scientific writing skills. Thank you as always for a brilliant way to educate myself and maintain my psychology license. Very enjoyable!
Excellent course. It was well written, comprehensive and clear.
This is one of the best and most useful courses that I have taken. Good Job!
Good for personal growth as well as helping clients.
I enjoyed the course. It was interesting both professionally and personally.
Great course. Well organized and step-wise presentation facilitates application. I like this presenter. I will use this information with my patients.
Questions were good, not verbatim from the text and phrased in a way that facilitated learning more than other courses I've taken.
This course is amazing! It has so much helpful information pack into it. In addition to helping clients, "Leveraging Adversity" is helping me personally, as I recently experienced a devastating setback. Hope for my future is now within reach.
I appreciate the activities for clients at the end of the program.
I loved this course! Everything about it was very relevant and aligns with my own personal thought process. It gave me tools to use in helping clients. Thank you very much!
It was well laid out and completely engaging. A course I will use in the school setting for sure.
A wealth of information that was well presented. Thank you.
Excellent, I learned information that I was unaware of, much from the research. This course was well presented. Thank you!
Of the several courses I have taken on your website, this ranked among the best. The author is clear with a variety of useful exercises, a broad range of experience clear from the course, and an open heart. Many thanks.
Thank you for the techniques to use with our clients in each portion of the workshop. They are very helpful and will be helpful to our clients and to me and my family.
During this course training, I learned a great deal on how to help clients facing adversity. The course was informative, effective, and useful to my practice.
Really appreciated the tools for learning to leverage towards the end of the training.
Appreciate the summary, case examples, and resources presented at the end of the training.
Outstanding course very help in relating to clients.
Excellent. It is among the most interesting and useful course I have experienced in many years. Thank you very much.
Excellent use of case studies to illustrate different points. Very rich clinical data. The concepts come to life.