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Ethics for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
Edie Deane, MS-CCC, CCM; Laura More, MSW, LCSW; Lisa Fuellemann, MS, CCC-SLP
Course Abstract
Ethics for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology is a 2-hour online continuing education (CE) course that examines ethical issues that SLPs and audiologists may encounter in clinical practice.
Ethical decision-making is based on awareness, intent, judgment, and behavior. The speech-language pathologist (SLP) or audiologist must be aware that an issue has ethical significance. Then a judgment must be made with the intent to make the ethically correct decision, and action taken. Ethics is about deliberate decisions made to benefit the people involved or to have the least harmful repercussions if a positive outcome is not possible.
SLPs and audiologists encounter ethical issues across the spectrum of practice settings, from pediatric treatment to care of elders in skilled nursing facilities. This course will present an overview of ethical issues that arise in speech-language pathology and audiology practice, including barriers to ethical thinking, evidence-based ethics, economics, discrimination, abuse, bullying in the workplace, boundaries, confidentiality, social media, and infection control. Updates on the Codes of Ethics are included and discussed.
Course #21-45 | 2021 | 41 pages | 15 posttest questions
Learning Objectives
- Define the terminology used in ethics discussions
- Describe a barrier to ethical thinking
- Define currency in relation to ethics
- Identify three warning signs of child abuse, elder abuse, and intimate partner violence
- Describe a cause of boundary violations in professional practice
- List one change to the ASHA or AAA code of ethics relating to work with other professionals
Course Directions
This online course provides instant access to the course materials (PDF download) and CE test. The course is text-based (reading) and the CE test is open-book (you can print the test to mark your answers on it while reading the course document).
Successful completion of this course involves passing an online test (80% required, 3 chances to take) and we ask that you also complete a brief course evaluation.
About the Author(s)
Edie Deane, MS-CCC, CCM : Find out More
Edie Deane, MS-CCC, is a creative leader who infuses all her work with an entrepreneurial spirit. Edie’s career spans healthcare areas from hands-on service to e-business. Her portfolio of experience includes: leadership, strategic and business development as online education company Care2Learn’s founder/owner; operations, administration, and education/training in national rehabilitation companies; and development of an e-learning department in a prominent healthcare software company. Edie currently owns ED Consulting & Coaching, focused on services for the LTPAC ecosystem.
Financial: No relevant financial relationships exist.
Nonfinancial: No relevant nonfinancial relationships exist.
Laura More, MSW, LCSW : Find out More
Laura More, MSW, LCSW, is a healthcare author and licensed clinical social worker. Laura was one of the founding partners of Care2Learn, a provider of online continuing education courses for the post-acute healthcare industry. She now provides healthcare authoring services. She has authored over 120 online continuing education titles, co-authored evidence-based care assessment area resources and a book, The Licensed Practical Nurse in Long-term Care Field Guide. She is the recipient of the 2010 Education Award from the American College of Health Care Administrators.
Financial: Laura More receives author compensation from Professional Development Resources.
Nonfinancial: No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.
Lisa Fuellemann, MS, CCC-SLP : Find out More
Lisa D. Fuellemann, MS, CCC-SLP, is a Speech-Language Pathologist with experience in the acute and long-term care settings. Her specialties include dysphagia and cognitive language disorders.
Financial: No relevant financial relationship exists.
Nonfinancial: No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.
CE Information
Speech Language Pathology
Introductory Level | 0.2 ASHA CEUs | ASHA credit is available until 11/30/2025. ASHA CEUs are awarded by the ASHA CE Registry upon receipt of the monthly completion report from the ASHA Approved CE Provider (#AAUM5168). Please note that the date that appears on ASHA transcripts is the last day of the month in which the course was completed.
Professional Development Resources is CE Broker compliant (#50-1635 - all courses are reported within two business days of completion).
ASHA CE Provider approval and use of the Brand Block does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedures.
Customer Testimonials
This was a thorough review of ethics. It opened the door for guiding my next continuing education cycle and creating a plan for a focus area of learning, sharing with colleagues, and maintaining professionalism with clients, colleagues, and supervisors.
I was very pleased with this course. It was clear and easy to follow. Great job. Thank you!
The course presented excellent clinical scenarios and examples.
I thought this course was extremely thorough and current with 2020 research findings and considerations. The material was very organized and presented in an interesting and relevant manner. The examples given were extremely practical. This was one of the best Ethics courses I have taken.
Great course that covers a lot of areas related to ethics.
More Testimonials
very informative, helpful examples and real-life scenarios.
I like your format. I downloaded the 41-page course in case I needed to refer to it again. Thank you for providing the ethics requirement at a reasonable price.
I really liked how it was current to what is going on today.
Thank you! I'm grateful to have the course materials to refer back to when needed.
Advertise so more people are aware of this excellent course!
The author provided very clear examples for each objective.
It is difficult to find courses on ethics that are informative and pertinent to my work environment. This was a great overview course on Ethics. I enjoyed learning more about this topic through this course. Thank You!
Well organized. Good, complete information with great examples to improve understanding.
This was my first course in ethics, I thought it was a great course. Thank you!
Thank you, very concise and clearly presented information.
The topic was thoroughly and clearly discussed.
Great course over all!
A very good review of vital information!
Great constructive use of my time. Validated my information.
Great refresher with up to date information.
Great course! Easy to understand.
Very informative and relates to real life scenarios.
I appreciate the scenarios and overall information in a quick review.
I appreciated the organized presentation of materials with ASHA/AAA standards being used as an outline. In addition, the use of real-world scenarios helped to illustrate possible "grey" areas and to enable participants to draw their own personal conclusions.
Well done. This course contained good anecdotal tales to specify ethical violations, be them intentional or non-intentional. It was a good refresher & truly some great new information.
Thank you for such an informative and approachable course on a very complicated topic. I learned more than I expected, and my practice will improve because of this.
I appreciated the examples embedded throughout the text!
The author provided very clear examples for each objective.
This was a really good course. Thank you
I found this course to be very informative. It clearly defined ethical expectations and it contained great practical examples/scenarios of unethical behaviors.
Easy to navigate and very informative.
I really enjoyed it, much more than I thought I would. Content was interesting and fairly engaging, which is tough for a self-study type of course. Thank you :)
It was great information. This is my first course with this company & I'm impressed. I plan to use this company more.
This was a well thought out course and very appropriate. Thank you for taking the time to compile this information in this format.
I appreciate the availablilty of the online courses through PDR and the relevancy of the topics.
Nicely done! Easy to follow, relevant, with the insertion of some current "hot button" topics and issues, which is super helpful.
Very important ethical information provided for the SLP/provider.
This was clearly presented and helpful information. There was new information and good reminders.
The information will be helpful in my therapy and career!
The information is professional and relevant for my specialty. Very good information!
This was a great refresher course!
Interesting overview of ASHA's code of ethics!
I have recently been the victim of workplace bullying and this course really helped me to understand that what went on was very wrong.
Great course!! I liked the links to other sources of information.
I'm glad it was updated since the last time I took this course to include COVID information and telehealth.
I like that I could review the test questions while reading so I could highlight key points.
I thought the course was easy to follow and focused on so many important issues. It also gave great examples.
Very thorough and informative course!
I thought this course was well written, and easy to follow.
Great course. I appreciated the scenarios.
Very informative and professionally relevant.
Excellent content and presentation!
Very beneficial, relevant, and much needed!
This course opened my eyes to some things I hadn't considered in my everyday practicing as a speech-language pathologist.
This was a very good course. I enjoyed reviewing and learning more about ethics for my profession. Thank you. I will recommend it to others needing this type of course.
Realistic and real-life examples helped reinforce the information presented, in an engaging way. Thank you. The discount is much appreciated as well.
Thank you for providing this reasonably priced course for SLP's to obtain CEU credit according to our schedule and availability.
I am glad I found PDR. I'm very impressed with the content of the course I took. Thank you!
Great course! Easy to understand. Keep up the great work!
I was not expecting much new knowledge from this course, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was clearly presented with new information in the areas of ethics and abuse reporting.
Very informative. The examples and pre-test were great.
Good course as it was moderate in length and clear and concise in content.
Very informative and I like the course format. Thanks!
Well organized, good examples presented.
Thank you for a clear and practical view of ethics. I would recommend this CEU course to other professionals.
This course was very informative, easy to navigate, read, and understand the material.
This material was presented in a very engaging way. I enjoyed participating in this course.
I found the references to the current ASHA recommendations very helpful.
I really liked the clinical examples integrated into the reading. It caused me to become more engaged and ask myself questions about how to apply the different parts/items of the code of ethics in real life scenarios. The pyramid approach was also really helpful in giving guidance for how to navigate different scenarios.
I especially liked the real - life examples that the author used. Very helpful!
Easy to follow. Kept me engaged even in reading format.
Having worked in homes, public schools, private schools, clinical settings, and hospital settings for 30 years, it was great to read truthfully about the obstacles to service providers (bullying; emotional realities like crying in the workplace) in course work. This course was clear, concise, and specifically tailored to the target audience. Thank you for outlining delicate subjects and providing strategies to combat the realistic stresses of helping others in today's world. I learned new strategies and believe that the authors understand the ethical obstacles faced by service providers. Thank you!
This course provided a thorough review of ethics. It opened the door for guiding my next continuing education cycle and creating a plan for a focus area for learning, sharing with colleagues, and maintaining professionalism with clients, colleagues, and supervisors.
I liked the layout. Very organized.
Information was well organized. Scenarios were also very helpful.
This is the first time I did an on-line course like this. I found it very user-friendly and I loved how flexible I could be with my time. I also appreciated knowing the test questions; it helped me more easily navigate the program.
I was amused by the Kobayashi Maru reference. I thought your information was easily read and understood. It led me to several thought provoking moments within my work setting.
This ethics course was helpful and contained a wealth of information. It was very well done.
The course was very well-organized and laid out, and was very relevant to my (and most, if not all) work settings.
The author provided very clear examples for each objective.
This ethics course was helpful and a wealth of information. It was very well done.
Excellent basic course in Ethics. I have information to bring to my workplace where conversations about maintaining ethics are ongoing.
The reading material was clear and well written. I found the experience very helpful.
Well written and easy to follow.
This course was very informative. It goes into great detail about how to work with clients and the signs to look for when in dealing in certain situations. I would recommend this course if you wanted a general idea about ethics.
The material was well organized and easy to follow.
Great course. Met all my expectations.
Very fair priced online CEU. Thanks!
Thank you, this was a great course that covered several different areas and specialties.
I found the real-life scenarios, examples, and suggestions on how to address ethical issues with clients to be very helpful.
Very nice examples and clear explanations.
Of all the ethics courses I've ever taken, this one was 'to the point', provided appropriate examples, and was easy to follow and understand as appropriate to my work settings - including hospitals, assisted living and long term care venues, as well as the schools. All settings provide opportunities for ethical decision making that can often be difficult and require additional consultation with other professionals to reach an appropriate decision/plan of action. Thank you!
I appreciated the format and content of this course. Well done!
This course clearly defined and described the ASHA Code of Ethics and provided real examples of how ethical decisions and behavior are required in our day to day practice. Once of the best ethics courses I have taken! Very well done!
I loved the structure and organization of the course. It was easy to read and contained a lot of really good information in a wide range of areas.
Very clear and concise.
Nicely organized course with clear objectives.
I thought the course was informative and nicely put together. Thank you.
Good information regarding ethics in the workplace. I like how the course included children, as well as adults, in the scenarios. Very informative and reasonably priced. Thank you!!
Great way to earn my required hours in Ethics for renewal of my certification.
I loved the material presented here. Very thorough!
This course was perfect to meet the ASHA requirement of an ethics course. Thank you!
I thought the course was very informative. Thank you.
It was laid out nicely! Thank you.
I really did enjoy this course. I liked that this course was informative, also clear and easy to follow.
The module was clear, informative, and easy to follow. Thank you!
Nice ethics course that talked about a range of issues that we face as professionals.
Great course and review. This course was an affirmation to me that compassion, caring, and learning about the person’s treated, their values, culture, and their way of living and preferences should be kept in your list when planing treatments. I really enjoy the course and knowing that we are hearing the right directions in ethics when treating different patients with a variety of disorders.
This course was great!
Thanks for making this a good CEU opportunity!
I really enjoyed the course, especially the clinical applications and scenarios that were included.
Most relevant ethics course I have taken. Thank you.
I will definitely recommend this ethics course to my colleagues.
I'm looking forward to the next course from this author.
Thank you for clear examples/scenarios to ponder.
I was not expecting much new knowledge from this course, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was clearly presented with new information in the areas of ethics and abuse reporting.
Very informative. The examples and pre-test were great.
Good course, as it was moderate in length and clear and concise in content.
Well organized, good examples presented.
This course was well written and very current. Easy to follow.
Course was truly informative, and provided great content/scenarios that were relatable and that could be applied in daily work environments.
Great course!! I liked the links to other sources of information.
The information will be helpful in my therapy and career.
Thank you so much for keeping the information directly relevant to our scope of practice and career with issues related and relevant when serving the entire lifespan!
Great article that covered a wide range of issues.
Easy to follow with useful information provided.
I appreciated the content and the format of the course. I would recommend it to others and will continue to come to PDR for courses.
Great organization of material.
A great refresher and review.
Thank you for providing the relevant, meaningful, and easily accessesible materials needed to meet a relatively new requirement for maintaining certification. I appreciate it!
Very effective and efficient course!
The course was easy to access and understand. I appreciated the tip to print the evaluation ahead of time. I read it over first and it helped keep me engaged and interested as I looked for the related information while reading. This was an excellent way to meet the ASHA ethics requirement. Thank you
Great course. I appreciated the scenarios.
Very concise and clearly presented information. Very up to date in its content, which was awesome. Great ethics course. Thanks so much!
This was a well thought out course and very appropriate. Thank you for taking the time to compile this information in this format.
This was a really thorough course targeting Speech Pathologists and Audiologists. I have taken Ethics multiple time and there were some concepts/terms I either didn't recall or were unfamiliar with. Well written. Thank you.
Excellent organization and explanation of the subject matter. Thank you.
I'm glad it was updated since the last time I took this course to include COVID information and telehealth.
Great ethics course to take, especially in my first year of practicing as an SLP!
I loved the format of this course. I am very visual and prefer to read over lectures. Thanks for remembering us visual learners.
I thought the course was very informative. Thank you.
This course contained useful information and raised my awareness of ethical issues and appropriate behavior.
Very good refresher with good examples.
For this course taken on Ethics, I don't have any suggestions. The course was well written and easy to follow with appropriate, specific and interesting examples relating to the profession of speech-language pathologists when applying ethics.
Excellent information and course.
The author provided very clear examples for each objective.
The overview was a great summary of the topic of ethics covering multiple issues, ideas, and concerns.
I really appreciate the currency of the information provided in this CEU course. I believe the material is presentable, easy to navigate, and interesting to all SLP's and professionals in every setting where service is provided. It is necessary to identify ethics being violated in both the pediatric and elderly population.