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- Alternative Medicine
- Alzheimers & Aging
- Animal-Assisted Therapy
- Autism
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- Child & Adolescent
- Closeout
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- Couples-Family-Parenting
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- Depression & Anxiety
- Domestic Violence
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- National Psychologist
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- Suicide
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- Trauma & PTSD

Hayden Finch, PhD
About the Author
Hayden Finch, PhD, who earned a PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, is an accomplished clinician and writer. In addition to developing outpatient and residential treatment programs for severe and persistent mental illnesses, she has been involved in mental health policy and legislation advocacy. She trained at the VA, where she was involved in developing an inpatient severe mental illness treatment program and working in the PTSD, substance use, and chronic pain treatment programs. Dr. Finch now develops continuing education programs aimed at reducing stigma about severe mental illness.
Financial: Hayden Finch receives author compensation from Professional Development Resources.
Nonfinancial: No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.